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Haifa Krav Maga 

Fitness. Confidence. Self Defense


Fitness. Confidence. Self Defense


So, what is Krav Maga?

Krav Maga's sole purpose is teaching every person, weather it is a youngster, a teenager or a grown up, to defend themselves against a real life, day to day offence. Meaning less 1 on 1 fights and more dealing with multiple attackers, knife attacks, chokes and so on.

Krav Maga bases on striking on vulnerable points, like eyes, nose and groin, allowing a relatively weaker defender prevail against a stronger attacker. 

Today Krav Maga is being taught worldwide, and can be found on elite units as the U.S Navy seals, the British S.A.S and of course the I.D.F


When in Israel

First, your Israel experience will not be complete without a Krav Maga session,

but of course there is much more to that.

If you want to feel you can protect yourself even in a dark alleyway, or going home alone in the night.

If you want to be able to protect your loved ones against the increasing violence all over

and if you understand that street fighting rules are no rules,

you should try a Krav Maga session.

You might even enjoy it!

Do as the Krav Maga does


Ages 5- 65

Fitness & Strength

Self defense

What will you find in a Krav Maga class?

Combat ability


Students tell

המלצות קרב מגע
המלצות קרב מגע
המלצות קרב מגע
מדריך ראשי

The Instructor

Nadav Carmely- Head instructor & Owner

A G5 level Krav Maga certified instructor

With over 15 years of martial arts experience,

including Karate, Muay Thai & Krav Maga.

תמונת מדריך.jpg

Training hours

Our main branch, containing top martial arts equipment in a brand new and modern facility.


This branch has a parking included and the following bus lines arrive:

29 to the dojo.

123, 132, 133 to the main road (3 min walk)

Our main branch, containing top martial arts equipment in a brand new and modern facility.


This branch has a parking included and the following bus lines arrive:

29 to the dojo.

123, 132, 133 to the main road (3 min walk)

עד גיל 16  18:00-19:00

מעל 16 מוקדם  19:00 - 20:00

20:00 - 21:00 מעל 16 מאוחר

בוגרים מוקדם - 9:00-10:30

אימון ובירה לשבת - 10:30-11:30

שעות אימונים
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